12 January 2010

erdem diary

if i was rich this would be in my (chanel) handbag always...

source here

what a beautiful little thing, erdem does the most amazing prints. is it too much to ask for even a little bit of erdem in my life? *sigh*


  1. i love erdems illustrations too! gorgeous!

  2. Haha not too much to ask at all! ;)

    Re: I'm not a fan of the tans on Japanese or on Asian girls in generally either. Though to me, dying hair is pretty normal and not really any different to anyone else dying their hair, but this whole 'Westernised' look is definitely something that people have talked about when talking about Japanese girls in general so you're not the only one to think that! ^_^

  3. Ohmigosh I have been coveting an Erdem Girls Diary for ages. Can you possibly imagine anything more fabulous?! :)


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